About Us

About UsEach and every animal receives considerable time and effort into making sure your mount is anatomically correct and artistically appealing. You’ve invested a considerable amount of time, effort and expense into harvesting your trophy and I take the investment you’ve put into your hunt very seriously.

We can create incredibly accurate natural habitat bases and displays in order to enhance your trophy’s presence whether it’s a bluegill or a black bear.  
If you’re a potential new customer I’m confident that after using my services you too will be added to my ever growing list of satisfied customers that return year after year.
Being an active full time taxidermist allows me the opportunity to continually learn the most modern and up to date techniques being used today.  I pride myself in being very efficient in my work, which allows me to provide you with appropriate and accurate turn around times.

Tim Gurtner
Owner/Professional Taxidermist - State and Federally licensed